Northplace Church Podcast
Northplace Church Podcast
Eden is My Eternity | Heaven Came Down | Pastor Bryan
Merry Christmas Northplace Family
All month long, we set out to answer the 4 big questions on the timeline of human history:
1. How did it all begin? (Creation)
2. What went wrong? (The Fall)
3. How is God going to make it right? (Redemption)
4. How will it all turn out in the end? (Restoration)
Technically, the first in-breaking of God into human history was the very beginning of
that history (at creation). The Garden of Eden was the first place the passion of God’s heart for a relationship (with us) was revealed. In the beauty of that paradise, He came down every day to walk and talk with Adam and Eve as a father and a friend.
This, not Christmas...was the first Advent.
It’s in these moments in the earliest days of creation and in the opening lines of your bible that you see the heart of God to be “with ”us. We’ve focused on this theme all month at Northplace: “Heaven Came Down”. But we want you to understand… this is not just true at Christmas. Heaven came down at creation...and He’s been coming down in unique ways ever since. Christmas is just one more moment in God’s story where God comes down to be with us.